Dive Trip "The Mills" - Herradura (Costa Tropical)

Main characteristics excursion: BN18697-5
Time of the year : all year
Difficulty level

: low

Max Depth : 20 meters
Start location : Herradura
Duration : 3 hours
No. of persons : 1-12
Price a person : € 45 (including boat trip + dive equipment)
Insurance incl.   : no, one day insurance € 7,-

The dive starts on the limits of the Natural Park "Cliffs of Maro - Cerro Gordo", at the eastern end of Cerro Gordo, that opens onto the bay of La Herradura. It is a wall dive with a rock on one side and sand on the other side. In the rocks, that you will encounter along the entire route, you can see small caves, where shoals of fish (Anthias anthias) and Cardinals (Apogon imberbis) appear. Also common to see are conger eels, octopuses, hermit crabs, as well as the colorful benthic fauna (anemones, actinias and sponges). Sometimes you can also encounter some tembladeras, half buried in the sandy bed, as well as the snail Swiss Vaquita (Peltodoris Atromaculata).

This dive has a low degree of difficulty and is highly recommended for those who are starting.

What is Included

  • Transport by boat from Herradura to the dive spot;
  • Qualified guides;
  • Permissions;
  • Dive equipment; suit, diving mask, oxygen bottle, flash light;

Material Needed


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The Location

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