
This small village is situated at 740 meters above sea level and has 110 inhabitants. It belongs to the municipality of Orgiva. It is also named Alcazar de Venus; Alcazar means fortres in Arabic. You can reach the town by a dirt road from Torvizcón or by a small road from the south (Rubite). 

View on Alcázar
View on Alcázar

Festivities in Alcázar

  • The village celebrate on the 13th and 14th of August their traditional fiesta in honor of "Nuestra Señora del Rosario" and "San Antón".
The church of Alcázar
The church of Alcázar

Points of Interest in Alcázar

  • The church Rosario (17th century) that has been built in Moorish style.
  • Two old oil mills; one is in ruins and the other one is not in use anymore (canyon at right of the church).
  • In the lower part is also bodega situated which is woth to visit.

Photo Gallery of Alcázar

Basic Information Alcázar

Alcázar (36°50′59″N 3°20′22″O)

Altitude: 740 meters

Population: 110 (2013)



Distance to Granada: 95 km

Distance to the beach: 28 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 141 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 116 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium -  high



  • Supermarkets: none
  • Banks: none
  • Restaurants: none
  • Bars: yes

Location of Alcázar

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The Weather in Alcázar