
This beautiful village is situated at 1150 meters above sea level and has only 31 inhabitants! Atalbéitar is part of the municipality of La Taha, an area that you should definitely visit when you visit the Alpujarra. The name comes from the Arabic "harat albáyṭar" which means "neighborhood veterinarian". The village is so small that it is unknown to many people. This is also a village that has retained its authenticity, so you see a lot of "tinao's" which is very characteristic of the Alpujarra. In the charming streets you can still see the bread ovens used in the past. A water channel also runs through the village in order to water the cattle. The village has no more than 100 houses and a church, that is far way too large for such a small village.


A "tinao" in Atalbéitar
A "tinao" in Atalbéitar

Points of Interest in Atalbéitar

  • The whole village is an open air museum;
  • The tinaos, terraos and typical houses, highlighting the tinao next to Plaza de la Candelaria and tinao oven that is still preserved.
  • The fountain of the Plaza de la Candelaria.
  • The small public laundry room.
  • The House of Donald Grey (and indigo blue that reminds us of Chauen).
  • Its natural environment and ferruginous sources.
  • The Church of the Virgen de Gracia of the seventeenth century.
A colored house in Atalbéitar
A colored house in Atalbéitar

Festivities in Atalbéitar

  • The Candelaria fiesta is celebrated in the night of the 1st, the night before the 2nd of February;
  • Atalbéitar is celebrating the feast of "Virgen de Gracia" in the second weekend of August.
The church of Atalbéitar
The church of Atalbéitar

Photo Gallery of Atalbéitar

Basic Information Atalbéitar

Atalbéitar (36°56′04″N 3°18′37″O)

Altitude: 1150 meters

Population: 31 (2013)



Distance to Granada: 81 km

Distance to the beach: 63 km (Castell de Ferro)

Distance to the Airport of Malaga: 150 km

Distance to the Airport of Granada: 93 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high



  • Supermarkets: no
  • Banks: no
  • Restaurants: no
  • Bars: no

Location of Atalbéitar

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The Weather in Atalbéitar