This village is located at 1255 meters above sea level and has 135 inhabitants. This is the second small municipality of Alpujarras. Although traditionally agricultural, the area under cultivation in the municipality is now only 35 hectares. However, like Trevélez it is known for its air-cured ham. In Moorish times it was a centre of the silk industry. A great part of the municipality is located inside Natural Park Sierra Nevada.
Juvilés (36°56′53″N 3°13′30″O)
Altitude: 1255 meters
Population: 135 (2013)
Distance to Granada: 98 km
Distance to the beach: 49 km (La Rabita)
Distance to the Airport of Malaga: 160 km
Distance to the Airport of Granada: 113 km
Touristic level: low - medium - high
Authentic level: low -medium - high