Los Tablones

 The village belongs to the municipality of Orgiva and has 145 inhabitants (2014). It is situated at the foothill of Sierra de Lújar.

Points of Interest in Los Tablones

  • Church in Moorish Style: "Iglesia Parroquial de San Marcos" (20th century). Hermitage "Ermita de la Virgen de Fátima" (20th century).
Los Tablones
Los Tablones
The church of Los Tablones
The church of Los Tablones

Festivities in Los Tablones

  • On the 25th of April the fiesta of the patron Sam Marcos is celebrated. On the 13th of May the fiesta in honor of Virgen de Fátima is celebrated.

Photo Gallery of Los Tablones

Basic Information Los Tablones

Los Tablones (36°46′03″N 3°27′23″O)

Altitude:  meters

Population: 145 inhabitants  (2014)



Distance to Granada: 63 km

Distance to the beach: 32 km (Motril)

Distance to the Airport of Malaga: 125 km

Distance to the Airport of Granada: 78 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high



  • Supermarkets: no
  • Banks: no
  • Restaurants: no
  • Bars: no

Location of Los Tablones

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The Weather in Los Tablones