
The village is located at 980 meters above sea level and has 62 inhabitants. The village belongs to the municipality Válor. It is situated in the Natural Park Sierra Nevada. It is a nice small village which has a lot of authentic details. Emphasizes the chestnut tree as typical of this area, some with more than four hundred years old.



A street in Nechite
A street in Nechite
A "tinao" in Nechite
A "tinao" in Nechite

Points of Interest in Nechite

  • Church Virgen de la Antigua

Festivities in Nechite

  • The festival in honor of the patron  la Virgen de la Antigua is celebrated at the 24th and 25th of September.

Photo Gallery of Nechite

Basic Information Nechite

Nechite (37°00′10″N 3°04′17″O)

Altitude: 980 meters

Population: 62 inhabitants  (2013)



Distance to Granada: 116 km

Distance to the beach: 50 km (Adra)

Distance to the Airport of Malaga: 180 km

Distance to the Airport of Granada: 130 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high



  • Supermarkets: no
  • Banks: no
  • Restaurants: no
  • Bars: no

Location of Nechite

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The Weather in Nechite