
The village is situated at 559 meters above sealevel and has 2638 inhabitants. To the municipality belongs also Cherin, Jorairátar, Las Canteras and Los Montoros.


A street in Ugíjar
A street in Ugíjar

Points of Interest in Ugíjar

  • Ermita Santa Lucia: Small chapel which venerates the saint, located in the neighborhood of Santa Lucia;
  • Calle Adelante: Typical street in the  Alpujarras; dates from the early eighteenth century;
  • Franciscano Museum: A former convent converted into a museum, which revives the life of the Franciscans. In 2001 they proceeded to restore the old convent building, trying to restore its original appearance;
  • Spring: La fuente del Arca;
  • Ermita de San Anton: Chapel dedicated to the saint next to the square of the same name;
  • Church Ugíjar: The portal of the sixteenth century, although much restored, retains the main elements typically Mudéjares: brick niches, stilted arches atauriques;
  • Puerta del Santo: On the street Los Jazmines, which is dedicated to the Virgin of Aurora;
  • Winery Dominio Buenavista (guided visits).
The church of Ugíjar
The church of Ugíjar

Festivities in Ugíjar

  • Ugíjar begins its celebrations in honor of the Virgen del Martirio on 28 September with the descent of the Virgin of Camarín;
  • The fair takes place from 10 to 14 October, with all kinds of celebrations.  Famous is the Fair Day, mediodiavestida Fair lanterns, flyers, combs and moles. The music plays and everything bursts into color. The fair ends on the 14th with the procession of the Virgen del Martirio.


Square San Anton in Ugíjar
Square San Anton in Ugíjar

Photo Gallery of Ugijar

Basic Information Ugíjar

Ugíjar (36°57′38″N 3°03′17″O)

Altitude: 559 meters

Population: 2638 inhabitants  (2013)



Distance to Granada: 117 km

Distance to the beach: 43 km (Adra)

Distance to the Airport of Malaga: 173 km

Distance to the Airport of Granada: 133 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level:  low - medium - high



  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Ugíjar

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The Weather in Ugíjar