El Pozuelo

The village is located at sea level and has 625 inhabitants (2013). This small village belongs to the municipality of Albuñol and is just 2 km away from the border with the province of Almeria. In the area are a lot of greenhouses located. The village has one beach.

Points of Interest

  • Beach El Pozuelo
The beach El Pozuelo
The beach El Pozuelo

Festivities in El Pozuelo

  • San Isidro Labrador: On the 15th of May, the traditional festival of San Isidro is carried through the streets of La Rabita to El Pozuelo, courted by the village farmers;
  • Santiago Apostol: its festivities are celebrated on the 25th of July.

Photo Gallery of El Pozuelo

Basic Information El Pozuelo

El Pozuelo (36°44′53″N 3°09′15″O)

Altitude:2 meters

Population: 625 (2013)



Distance to Granada: 115 km

Distance to the beach: 0 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 147 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 127 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location El Pozuelo

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The Weather in El Pozuelo