The village is located 300 meters above sea level and has 1136 inhabitants (2013). Otívar is an ideal place, where visitors can combine nature, purity and civilization. You can enjoy the fresh air and a unique subtropical climate.


The village has typical Andalusian streets with whitewashed houses with balconies and windows adorned with flowers. Otívar has a number of tourist facilities such as viewpoints, walkways and parks, where you can have the pleasure of watching the Rio Verde Valley and the different subtropical plantations. 


Otívar is situated at the foot of the Sierra de Cázulas and Almijara, on the river banks of Rio Verde,it is an ideal place for hiking, canyoning and hang-gliding.


The church of Otívar
The church of Otívar

Festivities in Otívar

  • The festival in honor of the patron Virgen de la Inmaculada is celebrated on from the 6th until the 9th of December;
  • The night of San Juan is celebrated on the 24th of June.
A street in Otívar
A street in Otívar

Points of Interest in Otívar

  • Church: la Iglesia de San José (16th century);
  • Church: Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción (18th century);
  • Arabic palace; La Casa de Marquesa;
  • Old wash facilities; El Lavadero;
  • Viewpoint: Mirador Vista Verde;
  • Junta de los Rios (hiking);
  • Rio Verde.
A street in Otívar
A street in Otívar

Photo Gallery of Otívar

Basic Information Otívar

Otívar (36°48′48″N 3°40′46″O)

Altitude: 300 meters

Population: 1136 (2013)



Distance to Granada: 82 km

Distance to the beach: 13 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 102 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 97 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Otívar

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The Weather in Otívar