The town is situated at 828 meters above sealevel and has 1163 inhabitants (2014). The name comes from the Arabic word BEN = son of Alúa which means son of Ala. On the hill Cántaro the found reamins of the Iberic period. Also remains of the Romans where found in this town. In the Arabic time it was a strategic town because it was on the border of Granada and Jaen.
Benalúa de las Villas (37°25′54″N 3°40′57″O)
Altitude: 828 meters
Population: 1163 inhabitants (2014)
Distance to Granada: 54 km
Distance to the beach: 117 km (Motril)
Distance to Airport Malaga: 169 km
Distance to Airport Granada: 56 km
Touristic level: low - medium - high
Authentic level: low - medium - high