The village is situated at 1035 meters above sea level and has 920 inhabitants (2014). The town has a rich history that goes back to the Roman period. Everything indicates that there in this place has been human settlements since ancient times, but its foundation as a town was surely formed in the time of the Arabic domination, Its name comes from a watchtower that was raised and was baptized as Hisn al-Nibal. The village has a nice "boulevard" with spectacular views on the Sierra Nevada and in the fileds are some ruins of a castle located. A part of the municipality is located within Natural Park of Sierra de Huétor.

The "boulevard" of Nívar
The "boulevard" of Nívar

Points of Interest in Nívar

The main square and church of Nívar
The main square and church of Nívar

Festivities in Nívar

  • The festivities of the patron are held in the second week of September;
  • On the 3rd of May the festivities of "La Cruz" are celebrated.
The views from the "boulevard" in Nívar
The views from the "boulevard" in Nívar

Photo Gallery of Nívar

Basic Information Nívar

Nívar (37°15′28″N 3°34′41″O)

Altitude: 1035 meters

Population: 920 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 13 km

Distance to the beach: 81 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 143 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 24 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets:
  • Banks: 
  • Restaurants: 
  • Bars: 

Location of Nívar

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The Weather in Nívar