The village is situated at 871 meters above sea level and has 992 inhabitants (2014). Although the low number of inhabitants there are living 15 different nationalities in this small town. The hamlet Tocon belongs also to the municipality.


The name comes from the Arabic Quéntar Qaryat al kantar, which means bridge and step into the farmstead. Historically Quéntar has been divided into two farmsteads (large and small).  The river "Aquas Blancas" is crossing the town and just outside the town the reservoir is situated that has the same name. 

The washing sinks
The washing sinks

Points of Interest in Quéntar

View on Quéntar
View on Quéntar

Festivities in Quéntar

  • Mid-September the role of Moors and Christians is celebrated with a typical festival. The main protagonist "San Sebastián" is the patron of the town. This fiesta was declared of tourist interest in 2009.
Drying peppers
Drying peppers

Photo Gallery of Quéntar

Basic Information Quéntar

Quéntar (37°11′32″N 3°28′00″O)

Altitude: 871 meters

Population: 992 inhabitants (2014)



Distance to Granada: 14 km

Distance to the beach: 78 km

Distance to Airport Malaga: 158 km

Distance to Airport Granada: 39 km


Touristic level: low - medium - high

Authentic level: low - medium - high


  • Supermarkets: yes
  • Banks: yes
  • Restaurants: yes
  • Bars: yes

Location of Quéntar

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The Weather in Quéntar