La Bodega Cuatro Vientos is located in the municipality of Murtas, province of Granada, in the heart of the Sierra de la Contraviesa 100 km from the capital Granada and Almeria.
It belongs to Finca Cuatro Vientos S.L. It is perfectly known for the oenological potential of the region Contraviesa based on:
The bodega is part of the Wine Interpretation Centre and has become the emblematic icon of wine for the region. Here you can enjoy an unforgettable day in contact with nature and discover the the wine from La Contraviesa.
Guided visit (90 minutes): Groups > 8 people: € 10
Individual visit: € 12
Guided visit + tasting (3 hours): Groups > 10 people: € 15
Visiting hours:
Sa, Su and holidays. 10:00 - 18:00
Weekdays for groups of over 10 people on appointment.
The content of he tour:
- Audiovisual welcome in the tasting room, a visit to the Wine Museum; to the antigua wine cellar; an Audiovisual show"The soul of the winery"; to Maceration Bodega; to the wine garden and to the Threshing Museum